Top 10 Life Coaching Tools and Resources

Are you struggling to run your coaching business? Read this article to find out what life coaching tools and resources you can use to make it easier.


Many life coaches face the problem of having an overload of work to do, and it can become exhausting to keep up with every little detail. While adding new people to the team should be an option to consider, for many, their budget is not there yet. That is why coaches should consider using life coaching tools that can make their work a little easier and not get burned out, which we will go over.

Top Life Coaching Tools and Resources

Here are some types of resources that you can use with your client.

1.) Website

Having a website is critical to your marketing strategy. It is the hub of your company’s online presence. You want a place where your clients can congregate, and where you can promote on other channels including social media, email and video. A website also communicates your values to potential clients, and can illustrate the company mission in an effective manner. A landing page is a must if you want to convert clients, and having social proof, including testimonials is also key to establish credibility (Learn how to obtain them here

Our platform,, makes it easier for life coaches to create a website. We have a wide variety of options to choose from, and strip away the complicated mechanisms of designing your website. We also integrate various features that are essential for a life coach. Best of all, we do it all for you! Schedule a consultation with us to see how we can help! Speaking of essential features….

2.) Online Building Systems

Online building systems are great to help you out with tasks and can make the workload easier with automation. You want a system that handles appointments, enrolls clients into your email funnel (Read more about how to create a funnel here), handles payments for you among other business administration tasks. Doing all of this by yourself can be hard on your schedule, especially when you have to take care of other aspects of running your business. Hiring talent to do it for you can also cost you a pretty penny. Our system,, handles the workload mentioned above so you can have time to focus on other important tasks, such as learning more about your craft and getting to know your client better.

3.) Wheel of Life

Probably the greatest analytical tool for life coaches, the wheel of life is helpful in order to get to know your client better. The tool splits the client’s issues into several categories including their professional and personal life, and asks them to rate how satisfied they are in each area from one from one to ten using a wheel. A coach can then examine the graph, and determine whether they have enough expertise to tackle their problem. It is great at determining a coach’s niche, and you can find out more about it here.

4.) Discovery Questions

Another type of resource that can be very useful is discovery questions. If you read our article about creating a life coaching intake form, then you know that knowing about the client before the first meeting is crucial to forming a working relationship. For more information about what to include in your questions, read our article on the intake form.

5.) Worksheets

You can also give them worksheets to help guide them through the lesson, and make sure that they are making progress. A life coach can use a worksheet to measure their clients progress.

One of the most straightforward worksheets is the Action Brainstorming sheet. Here, clients can fill out separate sections that detail what they need to do more in their life, and what they need to do less of. Another great tool to use is the CTFAR model, which stands for Circumstance, Thought, Feeling, Action, Result. It is a great resource to break clients out of their bad habits. You can read more about it from the founder of the model, Brooke Castillo, here.

6.) Personality Quiz

Coaches can also use a personality quiz in order to determine what type of client they would be working with. It is a great tool, and can be a great resource not just for examining your client, but also examining yourself and what type of coaching you can do. We highly recommend you use one so that you can help your clients become an amazing version of themselves, but to also gauge what personality styles you work with best.

7.) Social Media

Why do you need to have social media? Well, for starters, it can be a great tool to use to redirect people back to your website. Since social media has a metric ton of users, with Facebook alone reporting nearly 3 billion users in the second quarter of 2021, you are sure to find your niche. There are also groups you can join to market your services. Here are some communities you can join:

There are also scheduling software you can use to schedule posts ahead of time. Some of the most well-known include:

 Whatever you choose, make sure to see which ones fit your budget. The services listed above offer a free version of their product if you have trouble paying for a scheduler.

mobile compatible tools for life coaches

Having a social media account is one of many great life coaching tools to get raise awareness and generate leads

8.) Business Card/Online Profile

This should not be overlooked! They can be great to give personal contact info to, and you can add your own creative personal touch to make your brand stand out and make it memorable to your client. With the digital shift occurring, many have questioned the efficiency of business cards, since most people meet virtually. In lieu of that, business profiles such as LinkedIn can be a great replacement. It is essentially your online resume with more personality. It details your past experience, your activity and positive testimonials from the people you worked with in the past. There is also the option to get digital business cards.

9.) Fiverr/Upwork

If you are just starting out, then handling multiple aspects of your business can seem daunting. We previously went over automation to alleviate some of the workload, but there are some tasks that require more brainpower and cannot be handled by computers alone, such as design or creating graphics for your brand. If you feel that you have earned enough income, then we suggest starting with Freelancers to handle multiple tasks. The most well known sites for hiring them include Fiverr and Upwork. You can easily browse and pick a candidate based on the amount of experience they have and the rates that they charge.

10.) Online Courses

If you feel you need to brush up on a variety of skills, you should consider signing up for online courses through Udemy or Coursera. They offer lessons from a wide variety of topics, and you can earn a certification to prove that you have strong expertise in a certain area, such as business. You can also complement that with your life coaching certificate if you plan on obtaining one, and you can learn how to do so here.


There are a wide array of resources out there to help a life coach reach their full potential. You should aim to take advantage of them to help you on your journey to help clients become the best version of themselves, and to help grow your business. Know of a resource that we did not include on the list? Make sure to let us know in the comment section below, and we’ll include a shoutout section, and mention your name. If you would like to learn more about life coaching topics, visit our blog at


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