Empowerment Program Application
Where are you located?
How did you hear about us?
Which of the following best describes you?
Just in it for the money.
Just in it to help people.
In it for money and to help people.
Besides coaching, do you have another occupation? What is it?
What is your level of experience with coaching?
I’m brand new
I’ve had a few clients
I’ve made lots of money already
Describe your business: who do you serve, what do you sell, what is the price point?
Do you already have an online presence? If yes please enter your URLs: (If not type "no")
What sort of marketing activities are you currently using or have tried in the past?
What is your short-term income goal (30-60 days)?
What is your long-term income goal (6-12 months)?
How long have you been trying to achieve these goals?
Other than money, what are the main reasons why you need to be successful and why now?
Why do you need a business coach?
On a scale of 1 to 10 how motivated are you to start getting clients right away?
Right now I...
Have access to the financial resources to invest in growing my business.
I don't have any financial resources at all & I'm going to keep my business exactly where it's at.
What’s your biggest mental block or self-limiting belief?
Our coaching team will call you at the time you selected, please commit to your appointment by typing this sentence “Yes I promise I will answer the phone for my breakthrough session when my coach calls.”
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